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East Taiwan Maritime affairs center

  • Release date: 2021-10-07 | View count: 3848 | Maintenance unit: East Taiwan Maritime Affairs Center | Last Verify Time: 2024-04-12 | Last Modified: 2022-12-02
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    Brief introduction: According to the Implementation regulation of Maritime and Port Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC), East Taiwan Maritime Affairs Center is an outstation unit of Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC, which locates in eastern Taiwan (Hualien). It is organized into the following three sections:  Port Administration、Supervision、Ship Technical and Casualties sections. There are two ports in the realm of the center, one is Port of Hualien, an international Commercial Harbor managed by Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. The other is Hoping industrial port, which is managed by Ministry of Economic Affairs. In order to serve the public in Taitung County and provide localized services, the Taitung office is set up on July 1st, 2014,

    Jurisdiction of East Maritime Affairs Center:

    North boundary: Position line of 90° from the intersection of Hualien county and Yilan county (absolute location: Hoping river 24°18'44.00"N, 121°45'45.00"E), adjacent to North Maritime Affairs Center.

    South boundary: Position line of 135° from the intersection of  Pingtung county and Taitung county (absolute location: Guanyinbi 22°14'0.00"N, 120°53'30.00"E), adjacent to South Maritime Affairs Center.

    Taiwan Maritime affairs center

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