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South Taiwan Maritime affairs center

  • Release date: 2021-09-29 | View count: 18708 | Maintenance unit: Information Management Office | Last Verify Time: 2024-04-22 | Last Modified: 2021-10-29
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    The jurisdiction area includes the outlying islands of Penghu, in charge of shipping registration, shipping certificate issuance, crew supervision, port entry and exit visas, ship supervision and inspection and measurement, etc., as well as the supervision of port licenses within the jurisdiction and port pollution prevention and control. Supervision of port administration services such as disaster prevention and rescue, port facility preservation, etc. As for the domestic commercial ports of Penghu Port (Magong Port, Longmen Jianshan Port) and Budai Port, Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. is entrusted to operate and manage.

    Taiwan Maritime affairs center

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